DutchSA Innovation Series #2 Tonsley
“Triple Helix Approach to Economic Growth -
Creating a winning ecosystem for South Australia”
The binding topic for this event is the proven triple helix approach where government, universities and businesses closely work together to create an ecosystem with ideal conditions for all stakeholders to co-create, innovate, attract investment and skilled workers, and valorise research in global markets.
Time: Location: Tickets: Info: |
22 March 2018
4pm: Tour of Tonsley + Visit Sage Automation 5pm: Talks + Panel 6:30pm Networking 7pm End Tonsley Park, MAB building (see 8-SIEC map below) $30or $45 for a 2 person ticket (includes drinks, nibbles, free parking) - Register via button left [email protected] | 0422887327 |
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