Hosted in the newly renovated Mayfair hotel the DutchSA forum on Financial Planning for Migrants had a very good turn-out. The relevancy of the subject is clear: most migrants have little idea of financial challenges lying ahead in the different stages of life in Australia: housing, kid's education and retirement. But it will impact their lives hugely.
Three industry experts shared their vision and advice. Nick Reade, CEO of BankSA, drew the big picture laying out different strategies for different phases of life. He also touched upon the business climate in SA for the self-employed migrants. Arthur Kallos, Investors Direct, made clear in his presentation that for most of us our Super will be way too little by the time we retire. Key to his advice is cash-flow: how to get in under control and how to align your investments with your cash-flow. Glenn Sterrey of Bentley's Wealth Partners highlighted the challenges in finding a truly independent Financial Planner. His presentation then focussed on the pros and cons of securities versus property investments, and the importance of having an income insurance. An open forum discussion with the three speakers concluded the event, leaving the participants with lots to digest. Financial planning and investments is a complex field that most people gladly avoid. But can really we afford to keep our heads in the sand? Comments are closed.
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September 2023